Once again, the seasons have changed. The calendar says that it is spring outside. You can take a look around and see the green grass, the daffodils which have bloomed, the iris plants are peaking up, the daylilies are up and growing, the trees are budding, and the snow is falling. What? Snow? Yep. Colder temperatures are here again, and the snow flakes seems to be hitting the ground. It won't last, but brrrr, it does leave a shiver!
We hope that everyone has had a good year up to this point in the calendar. This week and weekend is one of the most powerful holidays of the year. The time where hope leads to tears, and than tears lead to the promise of a better eternity. Easter holds so much promise for the future. Jesus died for our sins, and arose for our future. He promised to always love us, and is there for all, regardless of where you live, how much money you make, or who you are. And no matter, His love is everlasting. That is so wonderful! And we hope that everyone celebrates this season of rebirth, of rejoicing, and of everlasting love. For Jesus Lives!
We are working on our next mission trip. We hope to finalize dates soon, but continue to work on the funds. We have been honored to give a couple of presentations over the last few weeks. We find so much joy in talking about the place that has touched our hearts so! The audiences have been interested, and have asked many questions. And that makes us feel so good, that they are interested in what we are doing. I guess it is because we speak from the heart, and it must show.
We recently hosted a bake sale, which was a success. We are thankful to all who donated, baked, bought, and offered prayers for the day. We have another bake sale coming up in April, with another presentation, and a 5K run. Wow, April is going to be busy! And we are working on our Golf Tournament in August. Lots on our plates, but the end will be so worth it.
Haiti seems like such a long ways away. Miles and an ocean away. Activities of every day life can sometimes get so overwhelming that there just doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day for doing what we do, let alone to work on the fundraisers, events, and details of the mission trip. Add in to that the plans for local activities we wish to do this fall. Sometimes it just seems as if it will all come crashing down and then what will happen? So many questions to answer....when, how, from where, who goes, who stays, how to pay.....it gets over powering at times. It gets to the point where you want to throw up your hands and yell....ENOUGH! To chuck it all, grab a bag of chips, and turn on the television and watch mindless channels and stories. Anything to reduce the stress and the feelings of not being good enough to do this, which has been given to you to do.
But then, you close your eyes and you go back. To the friends who greet you at the clinics. The smiles of the children. The sadness in the eyes of the mothers as they hold their sick children. The prayers that the Pastor says over the church, the gathering, the people, and even over you. The feeling you get in your heart when you arrive, and the sadness that is in there when you leave. The looks in the eyes of the people who listen to the presentations, and to those that you talk to at work about this amazing experience you never believed you could be a part of. That whisper in your ear that He is proud of you. That He is there for you. And that He wants you to continue. And when you open your eyes, it becomes all so much clearer. And the goal which seemed so far away is now just beyond your fingertips. And you are one step closer to reaching it. His help is really all you need, you just have to have faith. Faith in Him, faith in your team mates, faith in yourself, and faith that spring will arrive each year and cause a rebirth in the world. And that some day, everyone will know the joy that comes with this kind of love that you can't see, can't taste, can't touch, but certainly can feel.
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